I’m so glad you found me! Tarot has given me so much guidance, and I’m very excited to share it with you! A tarot reading can really help you unpack what is going on in your life and is a great tool to help you see what path will take you where. Remember, you are in charge of your own destiny. Use what the cards say to support you on your journey.

How An Online Reading Works

Please fill out the form below. In the ‘other details’ section, please leave as many details as possible. Feel free to ask a specific question, or let me know what general topic you’d like to know about. After filling out the form, please use the dropdown box to choose which type of spread you would like me to do (I describe the types in detail below), and make your payment.

I will email you the reading using a private YouTube link. You will always be able to come back to it and watch it as many times as you’d like. Feel free to email me back with any questions or clarifications you may have. I may reach out to you before I do the reading to clarify any questions I may have for you. *Please give me up to 7 days to send you your reading, but I should have it to you in a day or two.

I really ask you to be open and use your intuition as well. We are all intuitive beings!

Can’t wait to connect with you….

Types of Readings

Year Ahead Tarot Reading (12 Month)– These are really fun! I especially like to do them on New Years or on birthdays, but they can be done at any time you’d like. I draw a card for each month, and then a card for the overall theme of the year…so a total of 13 cards for this spread. I also always draw many Oracle cards.

3 Card Tarot Reading– This can be regarding anything you’d like….a specific question, a general question, a full moon spread, a new moon spread, self care, love, career….anything! It is common for me to pull 3 cards for this, but I may decide that I need more information or clarity. In that case, I will pull more cards with no cost to you. I also always draw many Oracle cards.

In-depth Tarot Reading- Similar to the 3 Card Reading, but I will pull as many cards that I feel are needed to get your answers. You can ask about multiple topics, and up to 3 specific questions. I also always draw many Oracle cards.

Fill out this form and then pay by clicking the button below that corresponds with the reading you would like.

✨That reading was so accurate and motivating. I have some big things happening in my life right now and her cards and the way she interrupted them were spot on! She has a great knowledge of each card and each possible meaning which helped me understand how they will play into my life. The cards, her voice and setting she used to display the reading were all beautiful and calming. I received photos of my cards and a full downloadable video so I can peak each month which is so awesome! Thank you so so much!! 5 stars for sure!! –Mel

✨Rachel did such an amazing job with my reading for the year. She takes the time to explain the cards and makes it easy to follow along. I refer back to her reading often to see what could be ahead for the next month! She has a natural ability to make you feel connected to your personalized reading and I would highly recommend her services to anyone interested in what may lie ahead on their path! -Petra

✨Thank you so much for this reading!! From the numbers & symbolism to each layer of this resonated to the depths and back! You channeled such important keys that have recently been presented to me as my own states of consciousness. This mirroring magick you’re able to tap into is truly healing!! I feel like this reading spiritually sharpened and modified my existing tools! Thank you for holding space for me in this time!! I feel safe and restored -Gabi