Leaping Loops

Crochet, Tarot, Aerial Yoga…and all the little things that bring me joy.

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Is PMDD causing you to feel sadness, rage, or anxiety?

Would you like tools to ground yourself and lessen the symptoms?

After years of suffering, one of the greatest tools that I found for my PMDD was a morning ritual! It’s amazing how setting that little bit of time aside in the morning for yourself, can really help you feel more grounded throughout your day. 

Join the challenge, and try it for yourself! 

I will share my morning ritual on the first day of the challenge.  Each day after that, I will give some other tips and techniques that you can use throughout the day to help manage your symptoms. Complete the morning ritual every day for the 5 days (and hopefully you’ll continue every day after that), and see how you feel!

Feel free to post about your experience in the private Facebook group. This will be a great community where you can find other women struggling with similar things….you are not alone! 
Private Facebook Group
July 19th-23rd
Videos posted daily.